Monday, July 23, 2007

Dear Adam......

P1060557.JPG, originally uploaded by Ian Savage.

My Dear friend Adam,

I don't know what YOU did this weekend, but if you click on the above photo, you will see all that you missed out on. Weekend at the Duffy's = Awesome fun. I know you would have enjoyed it and I just think it's a shame that you weren't with us. I'd like to share with you all that you missed.

1. Your girlfriend had the tag-sale-find of her life: 2 deer busts, one deer skull, and 2 antlers.

2. We climbed trees and tossed the frisbee.

3. We shot empty beer cans and shaken soda cans with a BB gun.

4. We ate buffalo burgers and corn on the cob.

5. We hot tubbed.

6. We built a fire and had smores.

7. The possibility of seeing a bear was ever present the whole time.

8. We went to a Farmers market where we bought local veggies, wines, cheeses and MEAT!

Wish you were there pal, maybe next time!

Friday, July 06, 2007

hey Blogosphere

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Been a long time Blogosphere.....just throwin ya a little bone.