Saturday, November 18, 2006

Rain and Fiction

Thursday night I went to see Frances at the Cake Shop. And BOY was it raining. I mean, really coming down, cats and dogs style. I wondered what Neanderthal man did when it rained like this, back in the day. Did he fashion an umbrella of sorts, or did he just tough it out? A friend suggested they just took the day off and hung out in the cave. What do you think?

I had a lazy day today. There is nothing more pleasant and rejuvinating than lounging in bed until 3pm. Last night I discovered Lychee flavored Sake which to say the least was delicious and will be highly recommended by me.

Nothing says Holiday season approaching more than a cool fall day and a cup of Italian Hot Chocolate. That and a movie to round the day off and I'm in Heaven. I saw Stranger than Fiction and loved it. It is not often that I walk out of a movie and feel really, really good, and this is just the case. Will Ferrel was great, and it was just a really nice and smart story. I laughed out loud a few times. Maybe it was because I had a warm hand in my own that filled me with a warm fuzzy feeling. Maybe it was the idea that an inanimate object could have feelings for it's owner. Or maybe it was the larger idea of accepting death, living life, and self-sacrifice.

Or maybe it was all the above. I left the theatre smiling and was happy to have had someone to smile with. Don't see this one by yourself, It's a great date flick.

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